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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Digital Signal Processing(DSP) books

Digital signal processing (DSP) is the study of signals in a digital representation and the processing methods of these signals. DSP and analog signal processing are subfields of signal processing. DSP includes subfields like: audio signal processing, control engineering, digital image processing and speech processing. RADAR Signal processing and communications signal processing are two other important subfields of DSP.

Since the goal of DSP is usually to measure or filter continuous real-world analog signals, the first step is usually to convert the signal from an analog to a digital form, by using an analog to digital converter. Often, the required output signal is another analog output signal, which requires a digital to analog converter.

The algorithms required for DSP are sometimes performed using specialized computers, which make use of specialized microprocessors called digital signal processors (also abbreviated DSP). These process signals in real time and are generally purpose-designed application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). When flexibility and rapid development are more important than unit costs at high volume, DSP algorithms may also be implemented using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Seven Little Stories, by Ellen Pruitt Thomas

Short Stories, by Ellen Pruitt Thomas

A mysterious mall vendor who unravels knots of all kinds, two elderly sisters who teach us something about life and death, a schoolgirl reminiscing about growing up ADD, a reporter who goes with her instincts and thereby rescues a young girl -- these are just a few of the characters you will meet in my 7 short stories. Enjoy, and please comment.


Anthropocentric(SciFi) by Simon Allington-Jones

Byron; not a poet, nor a romantic. Death; she has more hang ups than a wardrobe. An indifference game of love, power, betrayal, and self-loathing in this warming comedy about one of man's biggest questions: What do you mean the world doesn't revolve around me?


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The letters of Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani - Maktubat

Sheikh Ahmad Al-Faruqi Sarhindi also known as Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani (Reviver of 2nd millenium) was indeed a gift of God to humanity. When Akbar invented a new religion which was amalgam of all religions, Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani took task of Revival of Islam on himself. He wrote 536 letters to the elite people including Ulama of that time and Army generals. He was very successful in his mission. These letters are saved for the people who want to know the real teachings of Islam.

The letters of Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani
Maktubat Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"HItler's war" by David Irwing

David Irving's famous bestseller: "Hitler's War" is here as a Free Download


Encyclopaedia Britannica, INC 2008


Barrack Obama Biographies

Barack Obama's first book, Dreams from My Father, was a compelling and moving memoir focusing on personal issues of race, identity, and community. With his second book The Audacity of Hope, Obama engages themes raised in his keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, shares personal views on faith and values and offers a vision of the future that involves repairing a "political process that is broken" and restoring a government that has fallen out of touch with the people.

The Audacity of Hope

Download/Read this book (82 MB)

Dreams from my father
Dreams from My Father

Download/Read this book (1.27 MB)


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Social Media and Marketing tools

  1. The New Rules of Viral Marketing - David Meerman Scott
  2. Marketing Apple -
  3. Masters of Marketing - Startup Internet Marketing
  4. Podcast Marketing eBook - Christopher S. Penn
  5. Google Adwords Secrets - SEOBook
  6. Get Viral Get Visitors - Stacie Mahoe
  7. Marketing With Case Studies - Dynamic Copywriting
  8. How to Write a Marketing Plan - Geisheker Group
  9. SEO for WordPress blogs - Blizzard Internet
  10. Social Web Analytics - Social Web Analytics
  11. Geeks Guide to Promoting Yourself With Twitter - Geekpreneur
  12. The Zen of Blogging - Hunter Nutall
  13. What is Social Media - iCrossing
  14. A Primer in Social Media - SmashLab
  15. Effective Internet Presence - Effective Internet Presence
  16. Introduction to Good Usability - Peter Pixel
  17. Increasing the Response to Your Email Marketing Program - CRM Transformation
  18. We Have a Website. Now What? - Craig Rentmeester
  19. Blogs & Social Media - PRSA
  20. The Podcast Customer Revealed - Edison Media Research



  1. Simple Sabotage Field Manual: Learn the art of sabotage with this ebook.
  2. Tame Your Brain!: Read this ebook to learn how to control your brain.
  3. The Practice and Science of Drawing: Harold Speed’s book explains the philosophy behind drawing.
  4. Camping: Prepare and Enjoy the Great Outdoors: Read this ebook to get prepared for a camping trip.
  5. Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases: Consult this guide for a huge amount of phrases that you can use.
  6. Emily Post’s Etiquette: Emily Post’s book explains proper etiquette in a variety of situations.


Family and Relationships

  1. 10 Qualities of the Ladies Man: Learn how to be the man all women want with this ebook.
  2. Protect Children from Drugs & Alcohol: Parents should check out this ebook that will help you keep your kids away from drugs and alcohol.
  3. Time-Tested Dating Secrets: This ebook will teach you how to make Internet dating work for you.
  4. Underage Alcohol Use: Findings from the 2002-2006 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health: In this report, you’ll learn about alcohol consumption by people from 12 to 20.
  5. The Bully: This book will explain how to deal with bullies, both as a child and an adult.
  6. 10 Deadly Relationship Mistakes That Cause Breakups: Help prevent breakups by avoiding these relationship mistakes.
  7. The Divorce & Custody Resource Handbook: Read this ebook to find useful resources for getting through divorce.
  8. 45 Ways to Be a Better Parent and Raise Well-Balanced and Responsible Kids: Get practical, effective parenting strategies from this ebook.
  9. 100 Dating and Relationship Tips: In this ebook, you’ll find a wealth of helpful information for creating new relationships.
  10. 35 Smart Dating Rules: Follow these rules for the dating world.
  11. Baby Tips for New Parents: Read this book for guidance on getting ready to bring your new baby home.


More great books in business and Earning

  1. Who’s There?: In Seth Godin’s ebook, you’ll learn all about blog writing.
  2. Making Your Workplace Drug-Free: Download this ebook to learn how to keep drugs out of the workplace.
  3. The Small Business Checklist for Success: This ebook offers a number of low-cost business solutions you can find online.
  4. Insider Profits: Learn how to profit from Internet marketing and more.
  5. Top Ten E-Businesses for the 21st Century: Read this ebook to get ideas for profitable e-businesses.
  6. Poor Richard’s Top 100 Tips for Doing Business Online: Follow this ebook to find out a number of tips for online businesses.
  7. Go It Alone!: Read this ebook to get inspired to create your own business.
  8. What Do You Want to do With Your Life?: Decide what you want to do with your life using this workbook.


Great chosen books on Finance

  1. 66 Ways to Save Money: Learn about practical ways to cut costs in your daily life with this ebook.
  2. Estate Planning: Find out why a will is so important and how you can prepare one, plus plenty of other helpful details for estate planning.
  3. Ten Questions to Ask When Choosing a Financial Planner: Read this ebook to know what you should ask when looking for a professional to help you with your money.
  4. 7 Steps to Eliminate Debt: Take control of and eliminate your debt by following the steps outlined in this ebook.
  5. Living Trust Offers: The FTC commision’s pamphlet explains the details of living trusts and how you can protect yourself from estate planning scams.
  6. Get the Facts on Saving and Investing: This SEC document will help you learn how to save and invest properly.
  7. Simple Strategies for Managing Your Money: This FDIC ebook’s checklists will help you get financially fit and avoid scams.
  8. Building a Better Credit Report: In this ebook, you’ll learn about methods for legally improving your credit score, spotting scams, and dealing with debt.
  9. What You Should Know About Buying Life Insurance: In this pamphlet, you’ll find out about all of the types of life insurance, plus tips for choosing the right policy.
  10. How SIPC Protects You: Read this document to see how the Securities Investor Protection Corproration will help return your assets if your brokerage firm goes under.
  11. Building Wealth: A Beginner’s Guide to Securing Your Financial Future: The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas offers this guide that will help you build personal wealth.
  12. ID Theft: What It’s All About: This pamphlet from the FTC explains how your identity can be stolen and what you can do about it.
  13. SHOP: The Credit Card You Pick Can Save You Money: In this consumer awareness brochure, you’ll learn how to pick the right credit card for you.
  14. All About…The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States: This ebook explains how the forex market works in the US.
  15. Identity Theft: Learn about the details of identity theft and how you can protect yourself from it in this pamphlet.
  16. Debt Consolidation Sample Letters for Free: Find a collection of sample letters that you can use for debt consolidation in this ebook.
  17. Privacy Choices for Your Personal Information: This booklet will tell you how to opt out of sharing private information.
  18. Credit Score: The Quintessential Therapy for a Happy Pocket: Check out this ebook to learn everything you need to know about credit scores.
  19. Identity Theft and Your Social Security Number: Find out how your social security number can be exploited by reading this ebook.
  20. Tools of the Trade: A Basic Guide to Financial Derivatives: See how derivatives can be good for managing financial risks.
  21. Healthy Credit: In this ebook, you’ll learn about managing your credit report and score.
  22. Phishing and Pharming: Helping Consumers Avoid Internet Fraud: Protect yourself from internet fraud by educating yourself with this ebook.
  23. Taking Control of Your Finances: Learn how to save and manage money, as well as avoid common mistakes by reading this ebook from the FDIC.
  24. Know Before You Go…To Get a Mortgage: Read this guide to learn about mortgage information you need to know.
  25. Take Creditors and Collection Agents to Small Claims Court: This ebook explains how you can sue creditors and collection agencies based on consumer rights.
  26. What Women Need to Know About Retirement: In this ebook, you’ll learn about being prepared for retirement.
  27. Pathways to Getting Ahead: Young adults should read this book about asset building and policy choices.
  28. Interest-Only Mortgage Payments and Payment-Option ARMs: Are they for you?: This guide will help you determine whether or not you should get an interest-only or ARM loans.
  29. Banking Basics: The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston offers this ebook that will explain everything young adults need to know about banking.
  30. Consumer Action Handbook: A top-notch ebook, this handbook will help you with buying tips and resolving consumer problems.
  31. Savings Fitness: A Guide to Your Money and Your Financial Future: Set up a personal savings plan using this guide.
  32. Financial Intelligence Training: Become more financially intelligent by reading this ebook.
  33. Money Matters: Your Guide for Financial Strength: This ebook will help you learn how to set financial goals, get organized, and more.
  34. 401(k) Plans: This document explains everything you need to know about 401(k) plans.
  35. Credit Score: The Quintessential Therapy for a Happy Pocket: Learn about the importance of a good credit score and how you can make yours better with this ebook.
  36. Consumer’s Almanac: The Consumer’s Almanac will help you manage your money, get organized, save, and more.
  37. Variable Annuities: What You Should Know: Find out the details of variable annuities with this guide.


Feng Shui ebooks

  1. The Top 10 Feng Shui Mistakes, and How to Avoid Them: Avoid the pitfalls of feng shui outlined in this ebook.
  2. A Quick Guide to the Five Elements: Learn how to use the five feng shui elements to improve the energy in your life and home.
  3. Wind Chimes & Water Fountains: Favorite Feng Shui Objects and How to Use Them: This ebook will give you guidelines for using feng shui objects.


Great books for self improvement

  1. How to Overcome Social Anxiety: Defeat social anxiety with the techniques found in this ebook.
  2. Affirmation eBook: Learn how to achieve your goals using affirmations with the help of this ebook.
  3. How to Read Body Language: This ebook explains how to read body language for business and personal relationships.
  4. The Seven Challenges Workbook: In this workbook, you’ll get a guide to communication skills that you can put to work at home and in your professional life.
  5. How to Be More Successful: This ebook explains how you can set goals to achieve what you want from life.
  6. Helping Yourself Heal-A Recovering Woman’s Guide to Coping with the Effects of Childhood Abuse Issues: Learn about recovering from childhood abuse from this ebook.
  7. The Epidemiology of Co-Occuring Substance Use and Mental Disorders: Get an overview of substance abuse paired with mental disorders through this ebook.
  8. 12 Fun Ways to Change Your Life: Make a difference in your life with the 12 strategies in this ebook.
  9. Know Your Own Mind: Get an analysis of your personality by using this ebook.
  10. 89 Ways to Simplify Your Life: Read this ebook to learn how to make your life easier and happier.
  11. The Keys to Becoming Confident: This ebook will explain in simple steps how you can become a more confident person.
  12. How to Feel Better: This ebook is written to help people suffering from depression.
  13. 5 Secrets of Motivation: Overcome inaction and achieve your dreams with the knowledge in this ebook.
  14. Mental Health Self-Help Book: Check out this book written by two doctors to get help with your mental health.


Brush up on your health knowledge with these ebooks

  1. Asthma and Allergies: Find out what asthma and allergies are, how they’re related, and how they can be treated.
  2. The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci: Get a look at the complete notebooks and sketchbooks of Leonardo Da Vinci in this resource.
  3. Drugs, Alcohol and HIV/AIDS: A Consumer Guide: Find out how HIV is affected by drug abuse behavior through the knowledge in this pamphlet.
  4. Obesity: In this book on obesity, you’ll learn about good health habits like eating right and exercising.
  5. Working With Your Doctor: Getting the Healthcare You Deserve: This book will help you better communicate with your doctor.
  6. Searchlights on Health: Read all about the science of eugenics in this ebook.
  7. Simple Guide to Weight Loss and Fitness: In four steps, this guide will explain how you can lose weight and be more fit.
  8. 10 Ways to Alleviate Pain: Find out how your mind deals with pain by reading this ebook.
  9. Having Healthy Babies: Expectant mothers should read this book to learn how to avoid or reduce the health risks of pregnancy.
  10. Vibrant Health: Learn how to be healthy from the inside out with this ebook.
  11. Your Health: Learn about diseases and how they can be prevented in this ebook.
  12. 2008 Recovery Month Kit: Learn how to recover from alcohol and drug addiction with the help of this ebook.
  13. High Blood Pressure: In this book, you’ll learn how to prevent and care for high blood pressure.
  14. Energy Healing for Self and Others: Read this book and learn how to heal yourself with energetic tools.
  15. HIV and AIDS: Find out how HIV and AIDS can be prevented and treated by reading this ebook.
  16. Diabetes: In this book about diabetes, you’ll learn the essentials of the disease, including how it can be prevented and treated.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Islamic ebooks against Qadiyaniat in Urdu

I have found a great collection of ebooks in Urdu written against the Ahmadiya group.


Holistic Remedies for people and pets has a long list of free downloadable ebooks touching on holistic remedies for people and pets, targeted for a healthier living. To be honest, I have no idea what that means, but judging from the collection of ebooks presented in that site, I’d say that it’s something definitely worth checking out. The site claims that new ebooks are being added on a weekly basis, so make sure you check it out often. Once you click on the link below to get your reading started, do remember that the ebooks are categorized in such a manner that people related remedies are on the left and pet related remedies on the right, as obviously stated on the page itself. Well, there’s no harm repeating what it says I guess.

Click on the link below to start being healthier!
Holistic Remedies for People and Pets


Museum Tracker Exhibit

What is the Museum-Tracker Exhibits Report ? … and, what can it do for you?
by David Berghouse

The Museum-Tracker Exhibits Report lists significant temporary exhibits and displays in museums and galleries in Europe. To enhance its usefulness, the details are arranged in two broad categories of

  • Cultural & General museums/galleries
  • Technical and Other museums

These categories are further divided by country.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Museum Tracker Exhibit (PDF)


Book on tourism

Follow Me
by Mark Tinney

Mark Tinney explores the impressions of his first season as a tour manager in 1976, in an industry where surprise, excitement and challenge are constant companions. If you are thinking about a career as a tour manager or just interested in life “on the road” in the tourist world, then this book is for you.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Follow Me (PDF)


Introduction to forex

Introduction to Forex

by 1st Forex Trading Academy

Trading in the Forex market is a challenging opportunity where above average returns are available to educate and experienced investors who are willing to take above average risk. However, before deciding to participate in Forex trading, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.

There is considerable exposure to risk in any foreign exchange transaction. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency.

Click the link below to get your free Forex Intro Ebook:-
Introduction to Forex (PDF)


12 free ebooks on Forex trading

The foreign exchange (currency or forex or FX) market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It is by far the largest financial market in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions. The average daily trade in the global forex markets currently exceeds US$1.9 trillion. Retail traders (individuals) are a small fraction of this market and may only participate indirectly through brokers or banks.

Download your free introductory Forex ebooks below :-

The Six Forces of Forex - by Scott Owens
Trend Determination - by John Hayden
The Original Turtle Trading Rules - by
Strategy:10 - by W. R. Booker & Co.
The NYSE Tick Index And Candlesticks - by Tim Ord
Peaks and Troughs - by Martin J. Pring
Reverse Divergences And Momentum - by Martin J. Pring
Hidden Divergence - by Barbara Star, Ph.D
The Law Of Charts - by unknown author
Online Trading Courses - Course #1 lesson #1 by Jake Bernstein
Commodity_Futures_Trading_for_Beginners - by Bruce Babcock
Candlesticks For Support And Resistance - by John H. Forman


6 ebooks on Forex and money management

Everything you want to know about the aspects of money management when you’re involved in Forex trading or perhaps any other forms of trading you’re in.

Risk Control and Money Management - by Gibbons Burke
Money Management - A chapter from The Mathematics of Gambling
Position-sizing Effects on Trader Performance: An experimental analysis - by Johan Ginyard
Fine-Tuning Your Money Management System - by Bennett A. McDowel
Money Management Strategies - a vast scientific approach to the money management problem of the financial trading.
Money Management - by Dave Landry

Download the whole bunch below :-
Forex - Money Management (zip 3.7mb)


Bruce Lee training

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee (November 27, 1940 - July 20, 1973) was a Chinese-American martial artist, philosopher, instructor, and martial arts actor widely regarded as the most influential martial artist of the 20th century. Lee is iconic for his presentation of Chinese martial arts to the non-Chinese world. His films, especially the Hollywood-produced Enter the Dragon, elevated the traditional Hong Kong martial arts film to a new level of popularity and acclaim, and sparked the first major surge of interest in Chinese martial arts in the West.

The direction and tone of his films changed and influenced martial arts and martial arts films in Hong Kong, China, and the rest of the world. Lee became an iconic figure particularly to Chinese, as he portrayed Chinese national pride and Chinese nationalism in his movies. Many see Lee as a model blueprint for acquiring a strong and efficient body, as well as developing a mastery of martial arts and hand to hand combat skills.

Click on the link below to start downloading your free ebook:-
Bruce Lee Training (PDF)


Japan in a nutshell

“Across the sea is the land of Japan. With its ancient shrines, sumo wrestlers, Zen masters, capsule hotels, Laughing Festival, fortunetelling birds, haiku masters, phantom foxes, mania for bathing, musical crickets, tea masters, Living National Treasures, Moon Viewing Night, bowing etiquette, Festival of the Dead, dream-eating Baku, samurai films, Fuji pilgrims, and robots, it is unlike anywhere else in the world. Let me tell you about it.”
- Professor Solomon

Click on the link below to download the ebook

Japan in a Nutshell (PDF) 151 pages


Chosen novel of the week

The Hermit
by Ray Holland

(The novel, obviously, has adult themes, but all sexual activity is referred to only indirectly, without any details.)

What do you think would happen if a dedicated career hermit were suddenly to find himself the object of a lovely young lady’s affections? To make the story more fun, let’s say this young lady is – ahem – a bit more active in her love life than some people would consider proper. Her father just happens to be the mayor of their village, and officials of his political party view her behavior as a “political embarrassment” that could cost them the next election.

All this adds up to a playfully-written story, sort-of-but-not-quite-a-parable, full of politicians plotting devious and underhanded schemes, a PR firm working feverishly to spin the heck out of the various scandals that result, a hermit whose spiritual journey goes terribly awry, and a girl who wishes people would just let her enjoy life in her own way.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
The Hermit (PDF)


Nurse the Planet

Nurse the Planet
by Richard Williams

EarthThe world as we know it may soon be a thing of the past. We must all take seriously the problems the environment now faces if we are to leave the planet a better place for future generations. Learn how spending just a few minutes online at your computer and following some simple steps could make all the difference in the world to help our planet…

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Nurse the Planet (PDF)


Career satisfaction from within

Career Satisfaction From Within
by Chris Edgar

This book takes a spiritual approach to creating lasting career satisfaction by helping readers cultivate an inner sense of wholeness. This feeling of completeness helps people transcend the anxieties that prevent them from finding focus and passion in their work. The exercises in the book, which largely involve visualization, meditation and conscious breathing, help readers realize that they are complete and worthwhile beings, no matter what their career situations.

Click on the link below to download this free ebooks:-
Career Satisfaction From Within (PDF), here or here.


Secrets to successful job hunting

Kathryn LaRocca, Career Counselor, Resume Writer, and Published Author
With more than 25 years experience in Resume Writing and Job Coaching, Kay LaRocca is a consummate professional at the top of her craft. Ms. LaRocca has the ability to relate to jobseekers at all levels, in all professions. Her unerring intuition in reading between the lines allows her to quickly discover her clients’ needs even when they are not able to fully articulate them.

Realizing her enormous success with jobseekers from all professions, and the troubled economy of late, she saw a need to help jobseekers begin and conduct a successful job search campaign in uncertain times. ”Secrets to Successful Job Hunting in a Sluggish Economy” has proven job search techniques that have assisted thousands in achieving success in a slow moving job market.

An impressive section for using the Internet in a job hunt is also included. As a successful career counselor and resume writer, Kay LaRocca has been asked by her clients on numerous occasions to help them locate employment resources online, as well as sites to help with interviewing skills, preparing any job search related correspondence, researching salary information, and much more. For these reasons and more, the Internet is a valuable tool in any job search campaign and one that every jobseeker needs to take full advantage of. A wealth of information has been provided on successfully using this tool in any job search campaign.

The E-Book also contains the following:

  1. 10 Specific Techniques to Finding a Job, Including “Unadvertised” Jobs
  2. Proven Methods for Organizing a Job Search for Speedy Reentry
  3. Charts and Forms for Recording Valuable Information and Organizing your Job Search
  4. The Formula for Creating a Successful Resume Plus Many Sample Resumes
  5. Cover Letters you can Customize and Use Instantly
  6. How to Conduct a Winning Interview
  7. What Types of Questions to Ask in a Job Interview
  8. The Dynamics of Salary Negotiating
  9. The Five Types of Interviews, 25 Most Common Questions, and Mistakes to Avoid

This loaded E-Book with 105-pages of invaluable information is available by contacting the author at expertresumewriter (at)

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Secrets to Successful Job Hunting (PDF)


Secrets of the Hidden Job Market

Your Layoff and the Law of Attraction: A “Secrets of the Hidden Job Market”
by Janet White

Been laid off, let go, downsized, fired, right-sized or otherwise unemployed against your will? The key to being successfully re-employed is to use the Law of Attraction the right way.

Since “It is done unto you as you believe,” anything you believe to be true will become your experience. If you believe that no one is hiring, you should expect rejection and interviews are grueling personal interrogations, that’s exactly what you will experience.

On the other hand, if you believe that opportunities are everywhere, people in position of authority want to know you and job interviews are delightful conversations with your brand new colleagues, that’s exactly what you will experience. Either way, you’re right!

By following the strategies in this unique ebook, you can transform yourself from a job seeker into a job finder faster and easier than you ever thought possible.

Download/Read this ebook


Success In The Arts: What it Takes to Make It in Creative Fields

Success In The Arts: What it Takes to Make It in Creative Fields
by Michael Shumate

For All Aspiring Artists: Writers, Musicians, Filmmakers, Visual Artists, Dancers, Actors. Learn to answer these essential questions:
. What factors contribute most to success in the arts?
. Do you have enough talent?
. What do you need besides talent?
. What are the myths about creativity?
. What is real creativity and how do you cultivate it?
. How do you get through tough times?
. How do you deal with criticism?
. How do you “get the breaks” in your field?
. What foundation principles don’t change?
. How do you hang on to the important things in life?
. How do you keep from “selling your soul?”
. What if you don’t make it?
. Save years of trial and error
. Avoid the common pitfalls of creative careers
. A mentor in a book

Download/Read this ebook


46 great new ebooks on Agriculture

From National Academy of Sciences:
Achievements of the National Plant Genome Initiative and New Horizons in Plant Biology "a new primer on the achievements and promise of plant genome sciences. Based on an expert consensus report from the National Research Council, the booklet explores the potential of the National Plant Genome Initiative" and New Horizons in Plant Sciences (a booklet derived from the report)

New on ScienceDirect:
Current Topics in Membranes, v.62 (2008): The Eye's Aqueous Humor

New Wiley ebook:
Protein Science Encylopedia Includes 1,000 chapters from books published by Wiley in recent years covering structure, function, analytical methods, engineering and medical aspects of proteins. The content can be browsed or searched.

New Ebook:
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online More than 2,000 entries, continually updated and revised, covering 'an unparalleled breadth of subject matter, including Anglo-American, ethical and political, cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, continental and contemporary philosophy.' One concurrent user; please Logout when finished. This includes several entries related to the philosophy of science, evolution, ecology, etc.

Selected titles from SCI-TECHnetBASE:
Handbook of Human Immunology, Second Edition
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Tropical and Sub-Tropical Forests
Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobials, Second Edition
Thermophiles: Biology and Technology at High Temperatures
Biology of Marine Birds
Measurement of Human Locomotion
Nutritional Applications in Exercise and Sport
Ascorbic Acid In Aquatic Organisms: Status and Perspectives
Coenzyme Q: Molecular Mechanisms in Health and Disease
Encyclopedia of Chromatography, Second Edition - 2 Volume Set
Handbook for Restoring Tidal Wetlands
Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis, Second Edition
Indwelling Neural Implants: Strategies for Contending with the In Vivo Environment
Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective
Methods for Neural Ensemble Recordings, Second Edition
Bioactive Natural Products: Detection, Isolation, and Structural Determination, Second Edition
Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible
The Aspergilli: Genomics, Medical Aspects, Biotechnology, and Research Methods
Encyclopedia of Water Science, Second Edition
Comparative Genomics: Basic and Applied Research
Insect Diets: Science and Technology
Viral Pathogenesis in Diagrams
Handbook of Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics
Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes
Medicine and Evolution: Current Applications, Future Prospects
Nucleic Acids in Innate Immunity

New from Springerprotocols [These will be added to Becker Medical Library Catalog]:
Dynamic Brain Imaging: Multi-Modal Methods and In Vivo Applications (Methods in Molecular Biology, v.489)
Auditory and Vestibular Research: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, v.493)
DNA and RNA Profiling in Human Blood: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, v.496)

New from Oxford Reference Online:
New Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2nd ed, 2006
A Dictionary of Statistics, 2nd ed, 2008

New Ebooks from Springer:
Pine Wilt Disease
Cell and Tissue Reaction Engineering
Plant Physiological Ecology, 2nd ed
The Purple Phototrophic Bacteria (Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, v.28)
The Coronin Family of Proteins (Subcellular biochemistry, v.48)
Field Measurements for Forest Carbon Monitoring: A Landscape-Scale Approach
Drug Targets in Kinetoplastid Parasites (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, v.625)


26 free ebooks on agriculture

International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code) 2005

New Ebooks on ScienceDirect:
Methods in Enzymology, v.428: Osmosensing and Osmosignaling
Advances in Applied Microbiology, v.61 & 62, 2007.

New chapter in Eurekah Bioscience Collection: Gene Expression: Telomeres: Guardians of Genomic Integrity or Double Agents of Evolution?

New Ebooks from Springer:
Agricultural Research Management
Ascochyta blights of grain legumes
Peasants, Farmers And Scientists: A Chronicle of Tropical Agricultural Science in the Twentieth Century
Microbial Linear Plasmids (Microbiology Monographs, v. 7)
The Muskellunge Symposium: A Memorial Tribute to E.J. Crossman (Developments in environmental biology of fishes 26)
Heat Shock Proteins: Potent Mediators of Inflammation and Immunity
Biogeography and Ecology of Bulgaria (Monographiae Biologicae, v.82)
Peroxiredoxin Systems: Structures and Functions (Subcellular biochemistry, v.44)
The Spatial Distribution of Microbes in the Environment
Water and the Cell
Plant Proteomics
Microbial Sulfur Metabolism
Vertebrate Conservation and Biodiversity
Hominin Environments in the East African Pliocene: An Assessment of the Faunal Evidence
Lentil: An Ancient Crop for Modern Times
Transgenic Crops VI (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, v.61)
Imaging Cellular and Molecular Biological Functions: Principles and Practice
Nanomaterials and Nanosystems for Biomedical Applications
Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, v.11)
Protocols for Micropropagation of Woody Trees and Fruits
Plant Conservation and Biodiversity
Advances in Molecular Breeding Towards Salinity and Drought Tolerance
The Ecology of Browsing and Grazing (Ecological studies, v.195)
Hearing – From Sensory Processing to Perception
Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease: Management, Molecular Biology, Breeding for Resistance
Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology: Application and Evaluation of Pathogens for Control of Insects and other Invertebrate Pests


Monday, February 2, 2009

Four Free ebooks on Web Design

The Woork Handbook

It’s an unstructured ebook that covers different areas of web design and development. It contains different articles wroten by Antonio Luppeti from Italy.

The Woork Handbook is a free eBook about CSS, HTML, Ajax, web programming, Mootools, Scriptaculous and other topics about web design… directly from Woork!

Download / Read the ebook

Getting Real

One of the most (if not the most) recommended reads in our days for those who are starting (and not starting) in web development from 37 Signals.

Getting Real is the business, design, programming, and marketing philosophies of 37signals — a developer of web-based software used by over 1 million people and businesses in 70 countries.

Download / Read this book


Because not all the process is about development Knock Knock is now avaiable for you to read for free.

It’s a short take on how to use the new online marketing tools to make any website work more effectively.

Download/Read this book

Design Your Imagination

New free ebook from WebGuru India, a one stop resource for the beginners and learners of website design. Though this e-book is mainly targeted for the beginners of website design, it might prove helpful for the experienced web designers as well. It is clearly divided into 28 chapters and in each chapter a specific topic is illustrated with ample examples.

This free ebook can be termed as a complete and comprehensible guide on website design. Almost every aspect of website design is exemplified in this ebook by representing ample examples. This web design ebook will definitely help the beginners

Download /Read this book


25 Golf Guides: Master your golf swing, putting & more

Ever wonder how some golfers get so good? It’s easy once you learn some of the “insider” tricks like how to add 100 yards to your golf swing consistently. Master putting, short game, & the secrets that golf pros use to dominate the competition on the course. These ebooks covers a variety of killer golf tips including multiple methods of improving your golf swing mechanics, how to refine your short game, and how to become a master golfer in as short a time as as possible. This system works for anyone looking to improve their golf game quickly & easily.

After completing these courses, you will hit it longer & straighter off the tee & see the distance of your ball flight increase dramatically. These high quality ebooks are well suited for beginners through golf veterans and are free to distribute. Download them now & start improving your golf game instantly!

Download/Read the ebook


The Fundamentals & Psychology of Tennis

A straight to the point 27 page ebook which covers some fundamentals and psychology aspects of tennis. If you’re into Tennis, some of the theoritical approach which you may find in this ebook may somehow help you out.


Tackle your different diseases and Physical Health problems


How to Learn Japanese?

Why learn Japanese?
Japan has a fantastically rich culture, wonderful people and the latest technology to say nothing of the great food and shopping. You may already be set on going to Japan and know that learning Japanese is what you want to do. Others may just want to visit for a short time. It’s possible to enjoy a very comfortable life in Japan even without English but learning some of the language will definitely improve the experience a great deal.
Format: PDF
Language: English


Books on BUDHISM

  • Quantum Buddhism: Awakening to the Great Field by François Lépine

    Quantum Buddhism aims at providing a set of tools to develop a scientific-spiritual approach to the world, unburdened by traditional cultural ritualistic and dogmatic weight, where development of the self prevails to become a conscious scientific instrument. Along reading this book, you will learn a good basis of theory and application of this technique on transcending the human senses to perceive the spiritual world.

    The Unified Quantum Field is for science what the Supreme Consciousness is for spirituality. Each wave function of the multi-dimensional quantum field is a thought of the highest nature in the Supreme Consciousness. Each of these supreme thoughts comprises the whole of an experience of life. Every parameter of a human thought, a signal in the nervous system, an action, an interaction, a sensation and the awareness of the experience is a single equation resumed as a quantum wave function that is self-contained within all its parameters. Everything is ONE.





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